Canine Behavior Modification by Maureen Keene of Keene Kanine

Canine Behavior Modification by Maureen Keene of Keene Kanine Dog Behaviorist Training for Dogs in Long Beach and Serving Nassau County NY

The first thing I start with is communication so that your dog is 100% clear about what we want and do not want. Only then will I begin to design the canine behavior modification or treatment plan, which has four components.

-Maureen Keene, Dog Behaviorist Trainer

Dog Behaviorist Training in Long Beach and Serving Nassau County, NY

What Dog Habits Can My Behavior Modification Training Correct?

  • Aggressive to guests and people
  • Aggressive to family members and small children
  • Aggressive to other dogs either in the same house or not
  • Aggressive to other animals, including chasing
  • Barking and Lunging on walks or in social situations
  • Engaging other dogs outside the home
  • Phobias or fears related to loud noises, such as thunder, emergency services vehicles, and more
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Jumping up on people or furniture
  • Digging
  • Chewing
  • Begging
  • Doesn't come when called
  • Peeing when already housebroken
  • Biting
  • Territorial marking
  • Barking excessively
  • Guarding and other territorial-based behaviors, which can include people, yards, food, dog toys, and more
  • Attention-seeking
  • Reassurance activities
  • Improper eating
Keene Kanine Dog Behavior Training

Keene Kanine Dog Behavior Training

All dog training, including dog behavior modification, is done by offering rewards in the form of treats and praise. Negative or physical punishment is never used to train your dog.

The first thing I start with is communication so that your dog is 100% clear about what we want and do not want. Only then will I begin to design the canine behavior modification or treatment plan, which has four components:

  • The first component is showing the dog an acceptable alternative behavior that we want instead of the negative unacceptable behavior we want to eliminate. I will see your dog, work this out, and present the behavior so that your dog readily accepts it without a struggle.

  • The second component is the point where I will coach you through managing your dog and helping them to succeed. I will see you and your dog in your home at different times, and I will be able to determine your dog's triggers and how to minimize them. I will also see and understand what motivates your dog.

  • The third component is the addition and use of an effective yet mild consequence. Once again, this will be tailored to your dog within your home based on what works as we proceed through our solutions.

  • The fourth component is consistency with your family and your dog in your home so that your dog can pattern the new behaviors and let go of the old unwanted actions of the past. I am here to help you along as your dog tests the boundaries we continue to reinforce as we arrive at our solutions.

Along with modifying most behaviors, you will also benefit because your dog will:

  • Have a job
  • Learn basic commands and the appropriate response
  • Learn to listen and understand what you want
  • Earn things he likes on a reward-based system
  • Have you as a strong commander
Contact Maureen for a Free Dog Behavior Modification Training Consultation!
Contact Maureen for a Free Dog Behavior Modification Training Consultation!

The best to get started is to contact Maureen for a free consultation. This will help us identify why your dog is acting the way he is and generate dog training solutions. Let's introduce your dog to Maureen and see just how well they get along!

Please contact Keene Kanine today!

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